Friday, May 15, 2009

.getting there!


I think I'll be ready to go out for some photo walk session in a few days time! But first, I need to get rid of this stubborn cough, which has been stuck with me for exactly 2 weeks now. Yep, I've been coughing for 2 bloody weeks – and that's half a month! Ugh! So much time wasted! >:(

I am winning the battle! And I will win soon!!!!!!!

My secret to winning? Garlic. Sure, it gave me quite a bad garlic breath but it's working pretty well. So here's another thing I've learned from this two-week cough session – garlic is good for coughs!

Eat them raw or add some dark caramel sauce and use them as dipping sauce for dinner! It's really good! :D

Alright, wish me luck!

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