Sunday, April 5, 2009

.going LD

Hoping for the Best.

For those of you who don't already know, there is a high possibility that SF and I are going long distance again in less than a year time.

It's inevitable I guess.. Part of me really wants him to stay here and continue trying... But the other part of me is like, telling me to let him go for a couple of years.

Sure, I'm not too happy about it.. But I guess it's time to stop listening to the selfish part of me and start thinking for the future.. It's time the guy build his career.. And if he REALLY have no other choices, I guess I should encourage him to find a job in Singapore for a while and MAKE SURE he comes back to Melbourne after that.

I'm still hoping for miracles to happen.. Miracles like one of the Big 4 banks offering him a job so he doesn't have to go.. At least not until I can leave Australia with him for a while...


I need to be strong.. I have to!!!

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