Monday, February 2, 2009

.needs rest again


I am fully aware that the title of the photo above does not go well with what I am about to type.. But this is the only zen-ish photo I can find for now. And most importantly, I like it.

Yes... Let's continue on before I fall asleep on my keyboard.

I have just returned from a family trip to Shanghai and am totally *goes off and search a good word from the thesaurus* wiped out.

I'm serious guys, I've been carrying 2 DSLR camera bodies (with 2x 630 grams lens attached) around for the past 5 days and my shoulder is aching badly now. In the mean time, I will be doing quite a bit of photo updates on Flickr, so do check back often!

Oh yea, speaking of Flickr, I'm feeling pretty bad for not checking out my friends' & contacts' photos in the past... Couple.. Months.. Especially since I returned from Melbourne 1.5 month ago.. :( I'm really sorry guys, I'll get back to it when I'm well-rested and fresh again! Promise! :)

AND NOW I REALLY NEED SOME SLEEP. umm.. I am aware of the abrupt ending to this post but I... ZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

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