Monday, August 17, 2009


Study study study.

Assignments are pouring in like there's no tomorrow...

Pro: This is a great opportunity for me to build up my portfolio.
Con: I'm starting to feel a little sleep deprived.

Sure, these assignments aren't due for another couple of weeks but I'm hoping to finish them at least 1 week before deadline, so that I can start on the other assignments that are due later on, and get a little bit of time off before exam reviews.

I am working hard, but not hard enough to meet my personal deadlines.. I guess I'll have to sacrifice quite a bit of beauty sleep to get there... :\

But umm.. You know, I really want to get out of Melbourne for a bit.. Just for a day. I wanna visit places in Victoria that I have never been.

SF, please take me somewhere.. Far far away from Melbourne.. Just for a day. I beg you.

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