Sunday, October 17, 2010

.3/4 done (well, nearly)

My 2nd home. Impressive huh!? ;)

End of week 12. Beginning of week 13. Where did all the time go!?!?!?!? It feels like I was just preparing for my first day of graduate school not long ago.

I'm depressed.. I am...

And I figured that part of the reason why I'm upset is because this week is my last week of lecture/tutorials.. By "last", I mean the "last" of my life. Next semester is project based and we all are expected to organize our own time... That means no class, and minimal interaction with my awesome classmates (some of whom are friends that I'm going to stick with for years to come).

I should be rushing on my never-ending amount of assignments right now.. But having no one to talk to over the weekend, I feel that the only way to unleash all these emotions that I've been bottling up inside me is to type it out...


After two semesters of ActionScript 3.0, I feel like I want to do something related to Flash developing in years to come.. The only problem is that I am still struggling. I understand what each set of function does but I don't know how to start writing a code. It's like, I know I could use switch for the main navigation bar of a flash website but I don't know how to implement it. I know I could use the UILoader data type for external images/videos/.swf but I don't know where to start.

And the fact that Apple has allow the conversion of AS3.0 into objective-C programming (iPhone app format) gives me even more reason to master AS3.0 - because I came from a games design background and I really want to do some of that in future.

Part of me really want to design one of those 10-second long, before-a-drama-series-commence type of screen for TV companies, but I feel that I'm more comfortable with Flash than AfterEffects or Final Cut.

So yes, Jeff (program coordinator of MMDes), I really would like to take up your advice in creating a game prototype with AS3.0 for my project in Studio 3 but don't think I'm up for it if we're not going to get any extra help. I know we are postgrad students and we are expected to be "independent" but how do you expect us to do so if our skills are not up to scratch for a fabulous, final project? I really want my project to be portfolio worthy, something I can show family/friends and potential employers with pride.

Perhaps going to one of those design schools in California was a better choice... For those of you who are finishing up high school and are interested in going to arts/design schools, you might wanna consider the States, especially since the current exchange rate made American education even more worth the money, and I'm sure their education quality is much more superior than that of Australia.


Okay, I'm outta here. Back to scripting.. I can do this!!!


SDC said...

i really love your blog by the way, i found it after hours of googling to get an understanding of monash's postgrad course in multimedia. Ive graduated with a graphic design course without enough experience in web,flash or even after effects. As a student, would you recommend this course for me?

Us & AU rate is already the same...considering if going all the way to US is worth...

Kind Regards

_pdra said...

Hi Shierly,

Thanks for the comment. As a student going into final semester in February next year, I'd say I have learned quite a fair bit from this course, especially with Flash programming (ActionScript 3.0).. But I wouldn't say I've learned enough to be able to handle my [independent] final project next semester, which currently remains an issue for my classmates and I.

Don't get me wrong, I think Monash is a great place for tertiary education but I would probably research for a few more alternatives if I could choose again.

Another reason why I think you should find other options is because this course is also designed for people with no design backgrounds at all - some of my classmates come from business, engineering, etc. I spent the first semester re-doing very basic stuff on Flash/Illustrator/Photoshop despite signing up in units that are at a higher level.

Hope this helps! :)


SDC said...

Hey Sandra,

Thank you very much..i have this constant fear of enrolling to something i've already learned.Few days ago, I applied for the multimedia..not the multimedia design..which one is more suited into flash/web development?
as far as photoshop/illus i've already learned them in my degree..

Confused graduate,

_pdra said...

Glad to hear from you again Shierly!

Indeed, Master of Multimedia is more of coding than design, but I ought to let you know that a couple of first semester units involve the learning of photoshop/illustrator as well.. :\

You might enjoy final semester more since it's mostly project-based. Don't worry too much, I'm sure everything will fall in its right place! :)


SDC said...

Hey Sandra,
Thank you for your advices, =D I am already looking forward to February; just waiting for their offer now. Lastly, do you know much about Swinburne Uni? because that is my second option as well..if lets say Monash din reply

*note: Nice landscapes, enjoy=)


_pdra said...

Hi Shierly,

I'm sure you'll get into Monash! :) Hmm I don't know much about Swinburne, sorry.. Anyways, enjoy your break until February (that's when you start getting REALLY busy).

P/S thanks for the link! I'll check it out later when I'm done with my assignments. :)


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