Wednesday, September 29, 2010

.lesson re-learned

the little dutch lady.

my friends and I organized a little day trip to Silvan for the annual Tesselaar Tulip Festival last weekend. it was a good trip – good weather, good food, good everything.

there were so many kids around and every single one of them were having a great time, laughing and running around. one of us said, "this is such a happy place!" – and it really felt like one.

before leaving the farm, we spotted a group of people taking photos of this cute little girl in Dutch traditional costume. her grandma and mom (?) were around and they were so nice about us taking photos of her!


well, this photo reminded me of the fact of how little kids are easily satisfied with simple requests, such as a couple of helium-filled balloons.. as humans, the older we get, the more greedy we get, and hence, the more we demand.. and take what we already have for granted.

this little girl have, and always will remind me to appreciate what I already have...

and perhaps we adults should learn from the young ones sometime, just like how they are learning from us as they grow. :)

what are your thoughts?

Sunday, September 26, 2010


tulip fest 2010.

dear flickr-ians, as well as friends who have been catching up on my photostreams,

once again, i'm so sorry for the lack of updates. i don't think i can make any promises as to catching up on everyone's photostreams and stuff anymore, so i'm just gonna say that i'll do my best to update/catch up whenever i can.

my life have changed a lot in the span of 7 months.. really.. sometimes i feel that i've gotten 5 years older in the last few months.. and i'm not saying that it's a bad thing – in fact, i think all these ups and downs that i've gone through have made me a little more sensible than before.

well, shit happens whenever you least expect it to, but i guess it happens for a reason.. everything takes place because of something, right?

anyways, i think i'll leave it here.. i have to get some errands done today. oh and here's another piece of good news – i've got heaps of photos to upload onto Flickr..including the ones taken at the Shanghai Expo in July. i try to get them up asap.. meanwhile... umm.. enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

.know your neighbour ep. 1

OMG.. I can't believe I'm in the middle of finishing up my 3rd semester of graduate school! Part of me is like, "yay, I'm more than half way done!" and the other part of me is not actually looking forward to graduating... :\ I don't know if I'm ready to face the real world yet..

Oops, I guess I have digressed a little.. Alright, back to the topic!

We are making a viral video for our studio assignment this semester and so my friends and I decided to make three webisodes based on the theme "Know Your Neighbour". Okay, and I'm gonna need some favor from you guys – could you leave some sort of feedback to this video? As in, what do you think happened there? Feedback is very, very important at this stage and I would really appreciate it if you could either comment here in the blog or on youtube, whichever is easier for you. Please please please please please!!


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