Friday, June 22, 2012

.I need more 3G data

Well maybe there's already something like that in Australia, but I was wondering, like, wouldn't it be better if we could "customize" our mobile phone plans?

For example, a person like me prefer conversing over iMessage and What's App rather than calling (I'm not good with this whole verbal communication thing, really) would benefit from extra 3G data's. I would prefer to have 70% data and 30% call/SMS.

Alternatively, for people like my parents who call people all the time rather than text, they would want more call time than data plan, so maybe they could go for 90% call/SMS and 10% data.. or even 100% call/SMS and pay for data per MB.

Yea??? You agree with me???

And so I hope that Telco companies could start altering their phone plans a little bit – just because something worked 5 years ago doesn't mean it will work in another 5 years time... right?

Yep, that would be all for tonight. Peace.

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